× Headache Specialist Houston TX
Our Location: 1200 Binz Street, Suite 1370 Houston, Texas 77004 - Tel: 713-528-0725, Fax: 713-528-3628, - Email: rwevans_frontdesk@yahoo.com
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make appointment with dr.Randolph W. Evans
Neurologist  In Houston
"Dr. Evans has been my neurologist for 25 years and I highly recommend him for anyone suffering from migraines" Ellen S.
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What is a Neurologist?

A neurologist is a medical doctor with specialized training in diagnosing, treating and managing disorders of the brain and nervous system. A neurologist's  more...

Neurologist In Houston


Dr. Evans is the author of 330 journal publications and 80 book chapters.

Below you will find a selection of Dr. Evans' publications. Please click on the title of any that may be of interest to read.

A rational approach to the management of chronic migraine Botox for chronic migraine
Diagnostic testing for migraine and other primary headaches A Review of Headache
Headaches during childhood Headaches in woman
Headaches over the age of 50 Migraine a question and answer review
The challenge of new daily persistent headache New daily persistent headache a question and answer review
A left frontal secretory meningioma can mimic transformed migraine with and without aura A motion simulator ride associated with headache and a subdural hematoma
A rational approach to the management of migraine A survey of headache medicine physicians on the likeability of headaches and their personal headache history
A survey of neurologists on career satisfaction and burnout A survey of neurologists on postconcussion syndrome
Are blurred vision and short duration visual phenomena migraine aura symptoms Case studies of uncommon and rare headache disorders
Cerebral vascular malformations and headache Cyclic vomiting and abdominal migraine and adults and children
Diagnostic testing for migraine and other primary headaches 2019 Disability and chronic migraine
Exploding head syndrome from reference module in biobehavioral psychology 2017 Functional psychogenic neurological symptoms and headache
Gluten free diet and migraine Headache and arachnoid cysts
Headache from neurology secrets 2017 Incidental findings and normal anatomical variants on brain mri in children for primary headaches
Incidental findings and normal anatomical variants on MRI of the brain in adults for primary headaches Long term use and safety of migraine preventive medications
Medicolegal aspects of concussion Migraine and the risk of suicide
Migraine mimics Motion sickness and migraine
Movement disorders from the use of metoclopramide and other antiemetics in the treatment of migraine Ndph caused by a multinodular goiter
NDPH with a thunderclap onset Neuroimaging for migraine the AHS systematic review and evidence based guideline
New daily persistent headache caused by a multinodular goiter and headaches associated with thyroid disease Phantosmia and migraine with and without headache
Posttraumatic episodic status migrainosus Posttraumatic headaches in civilians, soldiers, and athletes
Primary and secondary stabbing headache a response Primary and secondary stabbing headache
Primary empty sella Public policy and headache
Radiofrequency ablation of the spg ganglion for hemicrania continua Raynauds phenomenon associated with calcitonin gene related peptie monoclonal antibody antagonists
Some rare headache disorders, including Alice in wonderland syndrome oxford textbook of headache medicine Sports and headaches
Status migrainosus in children and adults The clinical features of migraine with and without aura
The fda alert on serotonin syndrome with use of triptans combined with ssri or snri american headache society position paper The neurology of fdr
The postconcussion syndrome and the sequelae of mild head injury The prevalence of migraine and other neurological conditions among retired NFL players
The risk and management of kidney stones from the use of topiramate and zonisamide in migraine and idiopathic intracranial hypertension Topiramate for the prevention of primary headache associated with sexual activity
Alcohol hangover headache A survey of neurologists on self treatment and treatment of their families
Assessing cardiac risk prior to the use of triptans A survey of family doctors on the likeability of migraine
A survey of neurologists on the likeability of headaches and other neurological disorders A survey of injuries among broadway performers
Alcohol and cluster headaches Adherence to prophylactic migraine medication
  Airplane descent headache   Alice in Wonderland Syndrome
Are cannabis based chemicals helpful in headache Ascertainment of photophobia and phonophobia during migraine preferred close ended questions
Are triptans effective and safe when taken during the aura phase of migraine Botulinum toxin injections for headache
Bruxism tmd Behcet syndrome and headache
  Bilateral paroxysmal hemicrania   Beta blockers for migraine
Bending the rule of monotherapy for migraine prevention Burning mouth syndrome
Benign or sinister distinguishing sah from migraine Confusional migraine or photoepilepsy
Cluster and other nonmigraine primary headaches with aura Case studies of uncommon headaches
Dr Lecter's Convulsive Syncope   Daily triptans for headache
Diagnostic testing for chronic daily headache Droperidol and other neuroleptics
Exploding head syndrome Exploding head syndrome followed by sleep paralysis
Etiology and treatment of new onset daily headache Evaluation and management and current procedural coding for headache
Female migraineurs are much more likely to blink in a flash photograph than controls Headache at onset of acute cerebral ischemia
Glossopharyngeal neuralgia Greater occipital neuralgia can cause facial paresthesias
Greater occipital nerve and other anesthetic injections for headaches Herpes zoster ophthalmicus
Hyperventilation syndrome Headaches and pineal cysts
Headache and pituitary tumors Hemicrania continua a question and answer review 1 12
Headache and a pupil sparing third nerve palsy Headache and carotid cavernous fistula
Headache in cervical artery dissections Hemicrania continua like headache a vagal cephalalgia
Headache in the emergency department Idiopathic intracranial hypertension in pregnancy
Is a MRI indicated in a child with new onset daily headache Is it migraine or cluster
Is sumatriptan use safe during pregnancy Light sensitivity in migraineurs
Lingual nerve injury Motion sickness and migraine
Mild closed head injury and headache Information for Patients for ACHE Migraine with transient unilateral hearing loss and tinnitus
Migraine psychiatric co morbidities and treatment Medicolegal aspects of headache medicine case 4 the migraine that wasn't
Migraine and fibromyalgia Migraine with persistent visual aura
Management of basilar migraine Management of pseudotumor cerebri during pregnancy
Migraine and the presidency clinical lessons from history practical neurology 12 11 Migraine and cluster headache co-existence, laterality, and gender
Migraine and oral contraceptives Migraine and photosensitivity
Migraine and vertigo Migraine aura vs tia during pregnancy
Migraine versus probable migraine Migraine vs MS
Migraine with aura during pregnancy Migrainous aura vs TIA in an elderly migraineur
Monocular visual aura with headache retinal migraine Nummular headache
Natural or alternative medications for migraine prevention New daily persistent headache
New onset migraine in the elderly Orgasmic headaches
Occipital nerve blocks and managed care Orgasm and Migraine
Pseudosinus headaches Periodic hypnic migraine
Persistent idiopathic facial pain Persistent migraine aura
Phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors and migraine Postictal headache and migraine
Postpartum headaches Posttraumatic headaches neurol clinics 2004
Pretrigeminal neuralgia Posttraumatic hemicrania continua
Pseudo-pseudotumor cerebri QT prolongation with migraine medications
Retinal Migraine Red ear syndrome
Remitting cph or eph Reversible palinopsia and the alice in wonderland syndrome associated with topirimate
side locked and side shifting primary headaches Stabbing headache in a teenager
SAH or migraine Septoplasty for migraine
Should you screen for an aneurysm in a migraineur Spontaneous intracranial hypotension resulting in coma
Spontaneous low cerebrospinal fluid pressure syndrome can mimic primary cough headache Triptan preference for the individual patient
Target doses and titration doses for migraine preventive medications The headaches that awaken us
The young woman with postpartum thunderclap headache Thomas Jefferson's headache episodic daily migraines
Unilateral paresthesias due to hyperventilation syndrome Transient aniscoria in a migraineur
Transient global amnesia and migraine Transient headache with numbness of half the tongue
Transient visual loss, lower extremity monoparesis,and sudden sharp headaches precipitated by long car trips The association of obesity with episodic and chronic migraine
The sexagenarian woman with new onset cluster headaches When can successful migraine prophylaxis be discontinued
Your headache is a cow